
Learning With Newsweek

Learning With Newsweek

영문 기사를 읽고 질문에 답해 봅시다. 이 기사의 번역문은 뉴스위크 한국판 2007년 10월 10일자 96쪽에 실렸습니다.

Daughter, Twin, Author

Jenna Bush makes the case for safe sex in her new book about an HIV-positive mother in Latin America. Ana and Jenna don't have much in common. Ana's father was a poor South American cabdriver who died before she hit


puberty. Jenna's dad became the 43rd president of the United States the year she started college. But the two lives converged in 2006 when Jenna, a 25-year-old UNICEF intern, and Ana, a 17-year-old single mother with HIV, met during an AIDS workshop in Latin America. Out of that union came "Ana's Story: A Journey of Hope," a book by Bush for young teens that aims to raise awareness about poverty, AIDS and child abuse in developing countries. "In the U.S., we don't pay as much attention to these things, that people all over the world are living with these problems," says Bush. "The more you travel and talk to those affected by HIV, the more you know. But I’m still learning a lot, for sure." And so are we - about Jenna Bush. Just two months shy of her 26th birthday, the White House's once


rowdy twin has re-emerged as a spokesperson for global equality, children's rights and safe sex. It's quite a contrast from the Jenna of


yesteryear, whose hard-partying ways were publicized in that falling-down photo, the fake ID bust and an official family appearance where she flashed the devil's horns (a favorite hand sign of Ozzy Osbourne's) as the rest of the Bushes waved and smiled. "People change," said Bush during a recent trip to New York to promote her new book. In conversation she has her mother's posture and poise, but still punctuates sentences with the occasional "that's cool" and "you know what I mean?" "Unless you want to publicize the way you change - which I never did - no one's going to know. But I have no regrets. I think [the next kids in the White House] should live their life like it's their life. I'm sure they'll support their parents, like we did, but I also hope they're sort of naive like we were and live the way they want to." For Bush, that now means teaching primary schoolers in Washington, D.C.'s inner city; becoming engaged to former White House aide Henry Hager; writing a children's book with her mother, Laura, and promoting her own thoughts on HIV


prevention - even if her thoughts do not exactly match those of her father. Safe sex is encouraged throughout her new book, even though the Bush administration's hotly contested HIV-prevention campaign was built around a


staunch "


abstinence only" message. "In Africa my dad's policies are pretty much in line with mine, but not domestically," says Bush, referring to her father's ABC (abstain, be faithful, use a condom) policy in Africa. "But it's a personal decision. All of us want our kids to be safe, and there's no doubt that condoms make our kids safe. And many girls don't have the choice - they are


exploited sexually. It's important they stay protected and protect others." "Ana's Story" covers all these points and more by documenting a family history (the teen's real name and country are not divulged for anonymity's sake) where domestic violence, sexual


molestation, HIV and hopelessness were passed down like unwanted


heirlooms. According to Bush, she spent plenty of time gathering facts in the


barrio where Ana grew up. She interviewed aunts, grandmothers and siblings in Spanish, with a tape recorder sent to her by Laura Bush, while the Secret Service waited outside. "In a neighborhood like Ana뭩, everyone thought the agents were drug dealers, so they left us alone," she says with a laugh. The book reveals a clean and simple writing style that, coupled with photos by Bush's close friend and fellow UNICEF intern Mia Baxter, makes for an easy yet compelling read. The author also offers an educational resources section toward the back of the book where young readers can learn things like "How You Can Make a Difference" and how to "Protect Yourself, Protect Others." Despite Ms. Bush's good intentions, she's been accused by several bloggers of fabricating Ana's character and of hiring a ghostwriter to do the book. Bush swears that the teen is real - they speak on a regular basis - and that she wrote this book: "I can't even read those kind of criticisms because, well, my self-confidence ..." Her parents are, she says, "superproud" of their daughter, but also protective. They asked Jenna, who's


embarking on a two-month book tour, whether she was ready for a new


barrage of media attention. "My dad was concerned I would catch all the criticism that


runs off from him," she says. "He asked, 'Don't you want to do it in a couple years when you're not an easy target because of me?' He didn't want me to be a


scapegoat. Maybe I'm naive, but I'm a different person than my father, and I hope people can be mature and separate the two. I just want a fair chance." And somewhere in Latin America, an


impoverished single mother we'll call Ana is hoping for the same thing.



puberty: 사춘기.


rowdy: 난폭한, 호전적인.


yesteryear: 작년, 지난해, 지난 세월을 가리키는 시적 표현.


prevention: 방지, 예방.


staunch: 견고한, 튼튼한, 믿음직한. Ex. a staunch character(야무진 성품).


abstinence: 절제, 끊음, 금욕, 금주. Ex. total abstinence(절대 금주).


exploited: 착취당한.


molestation: 괴롭힘.


heirloom: 조상 전래의 가보, 세습 재산.


barrio: (미국내의) 스페인어 통용 지역. Ex. the barrios of Santa Cruz(산타크루즈의 스페인어권 지역).


embark: 태우다, 승선하다, 착수하다.


barrage: 연발사격, 연속, 집중, 빗발침.


run off from: ~로부터 받다, 불똥이 튀기다. Ex. the blame ran off from him(그 사람으로부터 불똥이 튀었다).


scapegoat: 속죄의 염소, 죄를 대신 지는 사람. Ex. make a scapegoat of(제물로 삼다).


impoverished: 가난하게 된, 힘을 잃은.

Talk About It
● What kind of social activities is Jenna interested in? (제나는 어떤 사회활동에 관심이 있나?)
● How did Jenna and Ana get to meet? (제나와 애나는 어떻게 만났나?)
● What kind of person was Jenna a year ago? (제나는 작년까지 어떤 사람이었나?)
● What is George W. Bush's policy on HIV in Africa? (조지 W 부시의 아프리카 에이즈 바이러스 정책은 무엇인가?)
● How does Jenna and George Bush's ideas differ? (제나와 부시의 견해는 어떻게 다른가?)
● How was "Ana's Story" documented? (‘애나의 이야기’는 어떻게 제작됐나?)
● What are the accusations of the bloggers? (블로거들이 비난하는 점은 무엇인가?)

Work It Out

1. Do you think that Jenna Bush and George Bush are mutually influencing each other? (딸 제나 부시와 아버지 조지 부시 대통령이 상호 영향을 끼친다고 생각하나?)

2. Should international effort be made in order to prevent AIDS? If so, how? (에이즈 예방에 국제적인 노력이 필요하다고 생각하나? 그렇다면, 어떤 노력이 필요한가?)

ⓒ이코노미스트( '내일을 위한 경제뉴스 이코노미스트' 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지

많이 본 뉴스

1롯데지주, 밸류업 계획 공시…“주주환원율 35% 이상 지향”

2젝시믹스 매각설에…이수연 대표 “내 주식 겨우 1만원 아냐” 반박

3“뉴진스 성과 축소”…민희진, 하이브 최고홍보책임자 등 고발

4수요일 출근길 ‘대설’…시간당 1∼3㎝ 쏟아진다

5“교통 대란 일어나나”…철도·지하철 등 노조 내달 5~6일 줄파업

6‘조국 딸’ 조민, 뷰티 CEO 됐다…‘스킨케어’ 브랜드 출시

7 러 “한국식 전쟁동결 시나리오 강력 거부”

8경주월드, 2025 APEC 앞두고 식품안심존 운영

9구미시, 광역환승 요금제 시행..."광역철도 환승 50% 할인"

실시간 뉴스

1롯데지주, 밸류업 계획 공시…“주주환원율 35% 이상 지향”

2젝시믹스 매각설에…이수연 대표 “내 주식 겨우 1만원 아냐” 반박

3“뉴진스 성과 축소”…민희진, 하이브 최고홍보책임자 등 고발

4수요일 출근길 ‘대설’…시간당 1∼3㎝ 쏟아진다

5“교통 대란 일어나나”…철도·지하철 등 노조 내달 5~6일 줄파업